Monday, November 21, 2011

Blessings Abound!

It's the time of year to reflect on the blessings which are present all around us. Whether a big event like getting a defense verdict in a trial in which you were on the defense team, or a small thing like walking out your front door into the fragrant fresh air on a sunny day, and all the events in between, it is evident that we have much for which to be thankful.
Between my husband and me we have four parents. After a summer of heart issues in a couple of them, we are thankful they are all still with us. I'm thrilled that Miss Fanny has found a new home where the love between them is all mutual. So fun to watch!

As a mom of a teenage son, I was especially grateful for the uninterrupted time he and I were able to spend together a few weeks ago on a college visit. We mixed some fun into the trip as well. The Astronaut Hall of Fame was close by so we spent hours wandering thru the exhibits, imagining the possibilities that come through space explorations. We laughed together as we discussed that had our entire family been present, we would not have been able to be as thorough and spontaneous as we both wanted. The conversations, laughs, and exploring we did together I will hold dearly in my memory bank.
(Yes, he looks like an alien, but he really is our son)
Prior to that trip, I was blessed to have R&R (both in CA and abroad) with my best friend who happens to be my hubby of 25 years. We had lots of time to reflect on our lives together and our dreams for our future as empty nesters which is approaching at lightning speed. We both are wondering how in a blink of an eye our babies can possibly have morphed into these two incredible individuals.
I find it interesting that the things for which we are most grateful are not material things at all, but relationships. So as you trudge through this Holiday season, make time for those you hold dear. Think about spending time on your loved ones instead of money. Consider spending your money on those who really do need it. It will make you feel better at the end of the day.
Here are a few I think are really worthwhile:
Boone County's Love Inc. A more global cause could be: Falling Whistles, or KIVA.
There are many animals that need our funds as well: A Horse Sanctuary,
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

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