Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to some amazing fathers! I have been fortunate to have great fathers all around me. As the years march on, the more aware of this I become!
First and foremost is the father of my children, Kevin-you are such a wonderful presence in your children's lives - a great example of who to be and how to live. Thanks for always being our rock- and making our children's lives special in so many ways. I could not have dreamed of a better life. I love you with all my heart!
Next is my own father, aka Daddy. As a father of four girls, you may have wished for a boy, but if you did, we never knew it. Whether it was building me those awesome stilts that were the envy of all the neighborhood kids, carrying me around on your shoulders pointing out all the Martins in your bird houses, letting me "help" you change the oil, hold the solder, or just tag along for a car ride, you were happy to let me shadow you. Little did you know then, that you were priming me for an engineering career very similar to yours! Better yet, you have been a wonderful Papa to my children, continuing to teach them all kinds of things. Happy Father's Day Daddy! I love you!
Finally, there's Grandpa Charlie, who has been the world's best Father-in-Law! You welcomed me into your family with love and laughter. Thank you for being such a great role model to my husband. Clearly you gave him a great pattern to follow. Thank you for always offering to help with the various projects that come with kids and households. Your'e the best! Happy Father's Day Chuck! I love you!

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