Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy 2010!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2010! Make it all that you want it to be! We rang in the new year quietly this year after enjoying a lovely dinner at The Cobblestone Grill with our dear friends, The Roederers. As we watched Eric scurry around the restaurant bussing tables, we agreed that in a quick BLINK of an eye TEN years had passed! Remember the New Millenium hype? Oh the fun we had ringing in the year 2000! A horse drawn carriage surprised the children for a ride in the crisp night air to end 1999. An arcade complete with Karaoke was set up with care, not to mention the great food, and special t-shirts! To think the girls are now college students!
What do I take away from this? Life happens a moment at a time. Be sure to enjoy each one!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Happy New Year dear friend!