It's blooming! I'm thrilled that my birthday present from my mom (who got it from my grandma) is showing signs of THRIVING!. The Christmas Cactus lives for generations and it is my goal to pass it along again to my daughter...with the good Lord willing, as my grandma would say. Here's what I found written about this really wonderful plant....This beautiful little plant is native to Brazil. It lived in the Orgon Mountains just north of Rio de Janeiro in the southeastern part of the country, where the temperature is a constant 60 to 70 degrees. It grew wild nestled among the roots and cavities of the large trees where the soil was all naturally composted matter. It was named the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesi) because it bloomed in December and the leaves resemble the cactus. The Christmas cactus - which is not a cactus at all, but a tropical - was brought to the United States in the early 1800s.
This is my greenthumb grandma with Sarah circa 1995. She would be proud of my blossoming cactus!