Saturday, June 24, 2006

Iron Cross aka Felix Update

Just a note for those of you following the progress of this magnificent animal. He seems to be moving more slowly over the last few weeks. I had the vet out to do a rescope and general update. He said while the pharynx hasnt gotten worse - 20% of normal diameter, the palette is having trouble moving, letting food be diverted in the pharynx rather than just the esophagus. All this would make Felix frustrated, but not in pain. He coughs when all this is happening. With all this in mind, we feel it is time for us to let him go. Sarah had a great "last ride" with Patty for old times sake. God certainly blessed us with a beautiful day, and both Sarh and Felix enjoyed themselves. Felix has been a great horse with a big heart, taking both Sarah and me everywhere we would have wanted to go on horseback!

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