Monday, December 10, 2012

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas....or it should be anyway!

Well this is what it could look like anyway, should the weather happen to change anytime soon!  In the meantime, I've gotten the bulk of my Christmas cards done, so I am finally ready to haul up the Christmas storage boxes to begin the decorating process.  With the house void of children's footsteps these days, I guess waiting for their imminent return seemed like a good idea!  At least the "little" tree we were given from our dear friends thirteen years ago is doing a fabulous job of lighting up the outside of our home on a nightly basis.  The nice thing about this tree, is that it can be seen from 270 degrees on a half mile radius!

And finally, here's one of my favorite holiday photos, so I had to post it here.  Hope your holidays are happy and shared with those you cherish!