It's hard to believe that it was more than twelve years ago that in between chasing wild Eric around and watching Peyton Manning in his rookie season, we were making selections for our brand new home, thinking that each decision had to last FoREveR!! Who knew forever would arrive in what seems to be A BLINK OF AN EYE?!
As time marched on, Sarah's horse-themed little girls room was transformed into a delightful young lady's room, and the cowboy-themed bedspreads in Eric's room were replaced with masculine solids. When we moved from our heavily wallpapered late '60's home, we thought wallpaper would never again appear on our walls, but here it is warmly welcoming our visitors through the back hall - and never did I think PEACOCKS would grace my walls; not by choice, anyway! To top off the change, I decided that with the amount of time I spend in my laundry room, it might as well be nice and comfty for ME ! It's amazing how a little update can make such a BIG difference!
I guess the moral of the story is two-fold. 1. Enjoy each day to its fullest, as time really does pass in an instant. 2. Never say never because you just might find a moment when change really does feel good!