Thanks, thanks, thanks we say without haste!
To brown the turkey one must baste.
Mash the taters 'til theyre gooey and warm.
Around the table then we'll swarm.
And now that we're seated
and before we're feasted,
We bow our heads in prayer.
To say thanks; to show we care.
Mom and Dad, what can we say?
For our roof, our clothes, and our food did you pay,
But more than that you provided--
A love of family that hasn't subsided.
Older and grayer with each passing year.
Yet wiser, funnier and held so dear.
So to you we say thanks, thanks indeed aplenty,
But hold on, there's more, 'til you eat that Turkey chutney.
Next there's our spouses who married into this clan.
Was it your dumb luck or part of a plan?
Regardless, please know we've been blessed.
There, its been said, and publicly confessed!
Thanks a million for all you do,
Including sticking by us in this family zoo.
Siblings too, for them we have words.
Oh me, oh my! Sometimes you're such turds!
But today we'll be nice
And put the fighting on ice.
With gladness we'll smile and say so sweet-
"I love you, I do from you hair to your feet"
Now nephews and neices, what can we say?
We love you to pieces, on this and every day.
Of that you can be certain and sure-
Our fmaily's love contained in you so pure.
Sadly this too long and poor toast must reach its end.
So Lord we thank you, our praises to you we send.
For one another and this bountiful meal,
And letting us share just how we feel .